The World's Best "SINGLE" Modular Boat Fender
100% Made in America from Space Age Material
The Hullguard Fender
All boaters know that a marine fender does not provide protection unless it stays in place where the boater wants it. Our patented modular design with its flexible hinge allows boaters to protect their boats using ropes, screws or nails to hold our fender in place.
Our fender is the only fender in the world that will wrap around any size ROUND POST! It is design so that it perfectly wraps around a 4 inch or 3 inch square post. It offers excellent dockside protection when bolted to a dock as a single unit. Our fender will wrap around any dock corner regardless of construction angle. Its unique design means they can be applied as single units or a large continuous wall can be built by connecting multiple fenders together.
Important Features
1) Stainless Steel lynch pins for hinges. Our design utilizes a stainless steel lynch pin and push caps for extreme strength and ease of connecting fenders together. Our design is such that the lynch pins will hold in place even without the caps. Simply wet the lynch pin with water and insert or remove.
2) Rugged Design. Due to its shape the fender offers protection even when cut in half.
3) Ultra Violet stabilized space age material used in the fender construction. This material can
expand to six times it size without tearing.
4) Pressure Valve allows for customized preferred inflation level.